Friday, May 20, 2011

iPad Game for Cats

Game iPad for cat was first known is that developed Game for Cats Hiccup. The company later made ​​also for Cats Paint, a drawing application on the iPad supposedly designed for cats.

Peek at the occasion, a pet food company also presents the game for cats. Not just one, Friskies directly presenting three variants of the game for cats.

As quoted from Kotaku, on Friday (20/05/2011), three variants of the game are: Tasty Treasures, Party Mix-Up and Fishing Cat.

Basically the third game, and also made ​​Hiccup game, same thing: the cat was asked to pursue and capture an object on the screen iPad with his palm.

Tasty Treasures displays the objects in the form of artificial Friskies cat food. Mix-Up Party featuring ingredients such as chicken, fish or cheese. Medium, Cat Fishing featuring fish that sometimes dive in a pool.

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