Monday, July 18, 2011

Sony Begin to Test New Gaming Device

Sony claimed to have been testing new gaming devices they are developing. When viewed from the concept of play are offered, the product is likely to bring a new style of game.

The device does not yet have an official name, but its shape resembles a large-sized eye glasses complete with screens Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) capable of displaying high-resolution images in three dimensions.

"We do have a new device to be placed on the head that had we display at the Consumer Electronics Show," Mick Hocking, Senior Director at Sony Worldwide Studios, as quoted from the develop-online Tuesday (07/19/2011).

Hocking added that the devices are still in the prototype model has two OLED screens for each eye. It also will be added motion sensors that can recognize the user's head.

The technology is reportedly going to be adopted for some types of games, such as First Person Shooter (FPS). Can already imagine what this game will be.

"I can tell, the research and development that we did was fantastic. We are currently experimenting with some virtual reality game from Sony," said Hocking.

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