Monday, May 16, 2011

Ubisoft Ready to work on three films Based on the Game
Ubisoft Ubisoft has established the Motion Pictures. Moreover, game publishers will do it if not make a movie based on the best-selling series?

As quoted from Variety, Tuesday (17/05/2011), at least there are three movies that will work with Ubisoft. All three are based on the best-selling game series ever published Ubisoft: Assassin's Creed, Splinter Cell and Ghost Recon.

The game will be made in 3D format. "We have worked closely with the producer of Ubisoft's games and marketing team to find DNA of every game in order to produce a consistent story," said Jean-Julien Baronnet, head of Ubisoft Motion Pictures.

Ubisoft business that develops its own film studio should be noted carefully. So far, most of the film adaptation of the game has a relatively disappointing results.

By having a special division movie, Ubisoft might be able to maintain the 'core' of a game when adapted to film. Moreover, the series such as Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell already has a line of its own fans.

Here are brief profiles of each of the three series of Ubisoft's mainstay, as well as speculation that elements of what will be interesting to be appointed to the big screen.

Assassin's Creed
This game series featuring the story of the assassin (assassin) of various ages. Game set in the history of this thick with conspiracies and secret plots, in addition to setting exotic locations which would more sweet as they appear on the big screen.

Splinter Cell
Splinter Cell series focused on the story of a secret agent named Sam Fisher. Action Fisher is more focused on the military side and not the James Bond-style espionage. The location is exotic, secret plots and sophisticated gadgets can be the element of 'movie' that sells.

Ghost Recon
Ghost Recon action game featuring a group of special forces in a mission. Series of this game can be adapted as a war action movie featuring a champion team, such as 'The Expendables'.

Need Time

The process of making the three films is believed to still take a long time. Jean de Rivieres, Senior VP of international marketing & distribution Ubisoft, could only be promised at least one complete screenplay in 2011.

Besides the three big movies, Ubisoft Motion Pictures reportedly is developing an animated series based Raving Rabids. This animated series will have a format with a duration of seven minutes per episode.

Before this Ubisoft has been successfully experimenting with film from the game. For example, Assassin's Creed Lineage series that they distribute via the web.

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