Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Playstation 4 Will Be Launched at 2012

As part of competitive strategy in  the face  of new  consoles  including the Wii  U of Nintendo, Sony plans to begin producing  the new generation gaming device later this year.

PC Mag Wednesday (06/07/2011) reports, Sony's latest console is touted as a PlayStation 4 or PS4 will start shipping in 2012.

This news was first blown by DigiTimes, the Taiwanese media to review the technology components of the gadget industry. DigiTimes reports said, the console will be based motion controllers such as Microsoft Kinect and components will be made by Foxconn and Pegatron Technology.

Initially, officials estimated the Sony PS3 will last up to ten years. But lately, they began to doubt these estimates. They assume, at the latest PS3 can last for at least eight years.

On the other hand, during the Sony maintains PS3, Nintendo as its largest competitor has announced a new gaming device, Wii U which will start shipping in 2012.

April, Sony announced it had sold 50 million units of PS3. For now, companies from Japan's central focus of improving the ability of the PlayStation handheld gaming devices Vita.

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