Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Google Will Rename Picasa and Blogger

Two popular service owned by Google, Picasa and Blogger will soon disappear. Not that Google remove them, but because the Internet giant  wants to 'throw' the name of the product to be renamed.

Picasa and Blogger that have been renamed, will remain a key component of Google family of products. Such information is quoted from PC World, on Wednesday (07/06/2011).

Rebranding Picasa and Blogger is reportedly part of Google new strategy in introducing Google +, where several products that do not use Google's name was retired and replaced with names that include Google's behalf.

According to Mashable reports, six weeks away, the image editing service and the popular blogging platform will be renamed Google Photos and Google Blogs. But Google itself would not comment when questioned about this rebranding plan.

Google's decision is quite reasonable, considering the users of both services is generally less ngeh that the services they use are Google products. Well, the integration of Picasa and Blogger to Google + is expected to be the answer.

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