Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Catwoman Can be Played in Arkham City Game Preview

Batman: Arkham City is the sequel to the popular game Batman: Arkham Asylum. As witnessed in a video at GameSpot, Thursday (02/06/2011), one character is Catwoman.

The 'cat woman' would be one of the playable characters. She will be equipped with unique weapons like whips, claws and a kind of sling (weapon consisting of rock and rope).

The action was enough to 'bite' like sliding under obstacles such as under the truck, jumping acrobatics, using his whip like a grappling hook and of course beat the criminals.

"We designed Catwoman as an integral part of Arkham City, she has combat systems, navigation equipment and its own way," said Dax Ginn, Marketing Manager of Rocksteady.

Catwoman also will have the ability to continue growing as a player to upgrade the character of Batman. For example, Ginn pointed out, the armor will go up if Catwoman Batman armor raised.

Catwoman moves seemed dominated acrobatic movements and kicks-kicks. She could even squeeze the opponent with the foot.

While the navigation system will be different with Batman Catwoman can use her robe to float above the city. Catwoman will climb and swing from building to building.

Games Batman: Arkham City planned to be present in October 2011. Game developed by Rocksteady will be published by Warner Bros.

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