Saturday, July 16, 2011

Gaming Smartphone by Sony Ericsson Xperia Play

Sony Ericsson Xperia Play is smartphone specially dedicated to playing games. Not just a matter of  hardware, gaming content ecosystem also worked seriously claimed by Sony Ericsson.

In addition to seven games already available on the Xperia Play, users can also download a variety of games that are optimized for the handset. Claimed, hundreds of games optimized for the Xperia Play and is available in the Android Market.

"All the games can be downloaded via the Xperia Play launcher, applications that can be activated by opening the gamepad," said Djunaidi Satrio, Head of Marketing at Sony Ericsson Xperia Play at the launch of Indonesia in Jakarta on Friday afternoon (7/25/2011).

Xperia Play Launcher is recommended games and lets consumers search for game titles that are optimized for the Xperia Play. Some games are free but some are paid. For gaming transactions can be paid by credit card.

Sony Ericsson is working with various game developers. Among Gameloft already provides 15 titles game for the Xperia Play.

The title game is already present in the cell phone is FIFA 10, Madden 11, The Sims 3, Star Battalion, Bruce Lee: Dragon Warrior, Crash Bandicoot and Asphalt 6. Other games can be downloaded include Guns n Glory, Assassin's Creed Altair's Chronicles to Splinter Cell.

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