Monday, July 11, 2011

Best Game in 2011

Year 2011 is not over, but within 6 months has been quite a lot of interesting games to be played. This is the best Games 2011 version of ReviewEverywhere.Blogspot.Com :

1. Killzone 3
Although not as good as Killzone 2, but this series is quite successful in the market. Very good graphics, storyline coupled with full-color liner in the world. Thus, Killzone 3 has been named as one of the best FPS games.

2. Dead Space 2
This is a creepy FPS game with extraordinary action oriented. Although not much improvement from the previous series, but the main story that highlighted the character makes this game worth playing.

3. Mortal Kombat
You could say this is the best series of all Mortal Kombat games ever released. Mortal Kombat 2011 is indeed a very different look thanks to several modes such as Challenge Tower fights, Tag Team Matches and Extremely Gory Fatality System.

4. L.A. Noire
It has been named as one of the game that takes the biggest funds in the manufacturing process. Even though Rockstar's effort to develop this game is not in vain, many observers gaming sites praising all aspects in it.

5. Total War: Shogun 2
No doubt again if the Total War series of strategy games often bring amazing. Through Shogun 2, this game offers a battle in Japan complete with the attributes of the knight was featured in three-dimensional graphics.

6. Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Witcher 2 is indeed games designed for upper middle-class PCs. Game developer is promoting the quality of graphics, as well as systems Artificial Intelligence (AI) are increasingly refined. No wonder so many gaming  sites observers  gave a 9 out of  10 for this game.

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