Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gotham City Impostors, Combined Of Counter Strike And Batman Game Preview

A new game from Warner Bros. featuring a combination of  style  First  Person  Shooter  (FPS) style of Counter Strike with the world of Batman.

As quoted from the written statement on Tuesday (17/05/2011), the game was titled Gotham City Impostors and developed by Monolith, the studio that presents FEAR

Unlike the action of the 'bat man', the characters in this game show action shooting. Gotham City Impostors also has a style of playing multiplayer games like Counter Strike.

Players can join in two groups: Team Bats and Team Jokers. As was to be expected, Bats Team consists of street heroes like Batman. While Team Jokers is a collection of criminals.

Each player can make changes to the character it uses. Included with the various magical costumes, weird gadgets and a diverse collection of weapons.

Players will fight in the arena which was inspired from the world of Batman in the comics published by DC's. Not yet clear how many players can fight simultaneously in one session.

Games published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment will be available for Xbox 360 via Xbox Live Marketplace, the PlayStation 3 via PlayStation Network and Windows PC.

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