Wednesday, May 18, 2011

There Are Holes or Gaps in the Android Security

A number of researchers have revealed a gap in Google's mobile operating system is.

The investigators who succeeded in dismantling the holes that can be utilized that cyber criminals are Konings Bastian, Jens Nickels, and Florian Schaub of the University of Ulm, Germany.

The security hole was reported to be on the Android version 2.3.3 and the associated authentication ClientLogin unsafe. ClientLogin itself is used as an application to perform authentication in order to pass account and password via a wireless connection.

Cracks in Android itself is not true this time it was reported recently. Research from the three researchers from the University of Ulm is intrigued to dismantle Android on recognized even after reading the postings from Dan Wallach, of Princeton's Center for Information Technology Policy.

Wallach's Post such as wanted to warn the users of Android order to be more vigilant when surfing the Internet via Wi-Fi network.

Until the three come to the conclusion that Android 2.3.3 has a gap to be infiltrated by the hackers to infiltrate the feature finally allows calendar, contacts list, to a private web album.

Quoted from News Factor, Wednesday (18/05/2011), Google asked to react on this issue. While users are advised to immediately update to version 2.3.4 Android device and turn off automatic synchronization when connected to Wi-Fi networks that are open.

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