Friday, May 20, 2011

Bresson HTC Smartphone WP7 with 16 MP camera

The camera is often used as a mainstay for phone vendors to attract potential consumers. It seems that there is in the mind that is preparing smartphone HTC Phone Windows 7 (WP7) with 16-megapixel camera.

Smartphone is given the code name HTC Bresson. Penampakkannya roadmap was first derived from T Mobile telecommunications operator in the United States, on the phone what they would release.

Bresson planned slid in September 2011. Looks like an operating system that has brought Phone Windows 7.5 or Mango, which has a variety of feature enhancements.

There are no leaks HTC Bresson features besides the camera resolution. His form is already visible, but not assessed its original appearance.

Besides Bresson, HTC reportedly also preparing other phones in the HTC family of WP 7 Ignite and HTC Prime. Such as quotes from PocketNow, Friday (20/05/2011).

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