Saturday, May 14, 2011

Virtual girlfriend on the Love Plus Game

It really believe that virtual girlfriend is that you have always dreamed? In Love Plus, a new feature allows gamers to introduce  virtual  boyfriend  to the parents and family.

It may sound crazy, but this is the case this game. As if to bring a real girl to a more serious level, gamers can create a 'girlfriend' they began to explore the relationship with the prospective in-laws.

Quoted from TG Daily, Saturday (14/05/2011), with this latest update, players can activate the mode Love Plus 'girlfriend introduction' and the girls are ready to be introduced.

By using cameras Nintendo 3DS, virtual girlfriend to see, recognize and remember friends, relatives and families of the players and interact with them. Interestingly, this virtual girlfriend can also do a short conversation and talk about lighter topics of interest.

Love Plus gamers can now also praised the skill to their virtual girlfriend cycling in the middle of the rainy weather, or stay cheerful walk in the cold. This is possible thanks to an additional 'weather' in this game.

You also do not have to worry about virtual girlfriend 'cheating'. Features 'boyfriend lock' on the Nintendo 3DS allow the him to recognize your face and he will not respond to people who do not recognize.

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