Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Youtube On Xbox 360

Youtube On Xbox 360
Youtube On Xbox 360
Microsoft adds one reason why the Xbox 360 users can not miss what's on Xbox Live interface. The software giant has just launched a new application for the Xbox 360 Dashboard that provides access to the video sharing site YouTube.

For now, the new YouTube application is available in beta format, but users can find it in the Market Place. Various upgrades and updates will continue to be made in the near future.

Reported by TG Daily, Wednesday (12/14/2011), because it is still a beta, not all videos available, including some of the content of the official content provider partners. But the streaming window and display interface has been optimized for the Xbox 360.

Slightly different from the YouTube web version, the video shown at the Xbox 360 does not have the comments field. But features like Watch Later, Favorites and Playlists are included in the new application, along with the standard functionality such as 'like / dislike'.

The most interesting, of course compatibility with Kinect. Previously Microsoft had ever mentioned his plan to Kinect not only can control the game, but also YouTube, broadcast television, Hulu Plus, Netflix and internet searches.

Youtube On Xbox 360

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