Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Skype Will Present on the Xbox, Kinect, and WP7

News Microsoft's acquisition of  Skype  by eventually proven true. Brilliant idea for the IT giant owned by Bill Gates. Imagine hundreds of millions of Skype users market will be withdrawn in the Microsoft ecosystem and presented in it.

For information, last year have connected the 124 million Skype users each month. But 8.1 million of whom are paying customers.

As quoted from GigaOM, Wednesday (05/11/2011), Microsoft will prioritize all of its software and hardware with new features and the addition of Skype. Simultaneously, the Redmond-based company also announced the good news.

Microsoft announced plans to bring the Skype on the Xbox and Kinect, Windows Phone 7 (WP7), and several other Windows devices. Not only that Microsoft was going to integrate their community services such as: Lync, Outlook, and Messenger.

So if Skype would have 'monopolized' Microsoft? Apparently not. Microsoft gave the note will continue to invest and support for the Skype client non-Microsoft platforms.

With the acquisition valued at USD 8.5 billion (around Rp 72 trillion), the Skype business will become a new division in Microsoft. The CEO of Skype boss Tony Bates was appointed the new division with the position of President of Microsoft's Skype division, and will report directly to CEO Steve Ballmer.

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