Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Google Releases Honeycomb 3.1 Update

Google's annual developer conference is held again. As usual,  this event  Google  used to introduce  all the newest products, one of which  updates  the operating system (OS) Honeycomb namely Android 3.1.

Reported by eWEEK on Wednesday (05/11/2011), some additional features in Honeycomb 3.1 of which include home screen widgets that can be changed in size, additional support for input devices such as keyboards, mouse, trackpad, and even game controllers.

In addition, there is also support for multitasking to transition a more flexible and reduce the occurrence of crashes. Interestingly, these new Honeycomb will be present on the Google TV via automatic updates (over the air).

In this conference, Google also introduced OS Ice Cream Sandwich, which borrows some features from Honeycomb.

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