Monday, May 23, 2011

Microsoft CEO: Windows 8 Will Launch on 2012

Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer finally make sure that Windows 8, the operating system  (OS) of Microsoft, will attend in 2012.

Speaking on a Microsoft developer forum in Tokyo, Japan, Ballmer said, if Microsoft has been working hard on this latest version of Windows, in order to improve customer satisfaction.

"We have a new user interface. We added touch, ink and speech," said Microsoft's frontman, as quoted by PC Magazine, on Tuesday (05/24/2011).

Ballmer did not explain in detail what Windows 8 will be. But from his statement that Ballmer also implies that Windows 8 but can be used on PCs, will also be embedded on tablets and other devices.

"As we make progress throughout the year, you can expect to hear more about Windows 8. Windows 8 slate, tablets, PCs and a variety of different shapes," he said.

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