Monday, June 13, 2011

Researchers Find Many Malicious Application in Android Market

Android users  will still need to be careful when downloading applications from Google's Android Market. A study re-discover the existence of  evil in there applications.

The study was conducted by Xuxian Jiang, a professor from North Carolina State University in the United States. Jiang found 12 malicious applications on the Android Market, a few months old and downloaded to hundreds of thousands of times.

As quoted from TheRegister, Monday (13/06/2011), all malicious applications that have been removed by Google from the Android Market.

10 of 12 applications that the discovery contains a hidden code that collect and send the track record of browsing, bookmarking and user device information.

10 malicious applications that also contain a 'back street' that makes applications are updated without user's knowledge. Update it also can contain malicious code that much anymore.

10 applications that allegedly contains the data gathering function login for Facebook, Gmail and other accounts. But according to Jiang did not use this function.

2 of 12 applications that can make a toll-collapse victims. This is because secretly sending short messages to certain premium services.

1 of 12 applications had been raised in the application bazaar, sponsored by Google. It shows their acumen in the guise of good applications.

1 of 12 applications were named Angry Birds Rio Unlock. Clearly the popularity of the game trying mendompleng Angry Birds.

In response to these findings, a spokesman for Google said there was no indication that the application was found has been used to break into the Google user accounts.

"We are aware of and has frozen a number of suspicious applications from the Android Market. We remove applications and developer account that violates our policy,"said Google's official statement.

Actually, Google has a fairly intensive attention on security. This is mainly on web services and browsers. But in the case of Android incidents often occur.

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