Saturday, December 11, 2010

A perfect companion for your Apple iPad – ZAGGmate

This new iPad gadgets claims to be the perfect for the tablet as its patent-pending design adds extra durable protection, functionality, and style to your beloved gadget.  ZAGGmate is crafted from aluminum with a bead-blasted, anodized finish to go with the design, appearance and feel of your iPad. A modern design coupled with its exclusive and practical features make ZAGGmate an essential accessory for your Apple iPad. ZAGGmate with keyboard is powered by a 510mAh rechargeable lithium polymer battery that caused straight for several weeks of typical use without the need to recharge. read more..

In addition, features military grade high-density padding for superior drop protection, large flat base allows for use on a soft or uneven surface and adds only about 1/8 of an inch to the iPad. The keyboard version adds special function keys like music control, volume control, slideshow, home, and search etc. This adds only about 1/4 inch to the iPad. ZAGGmate comes with a MicroUSB cable for charging, Quickstart guide, and four optional rubber feet.

Size and Weight

Height: 9.75 inches (248 mm)
Width: 7.625 inches (194 mm)
Depth: .4 inches (10.2 mm)

Size and Weight

Height: 9.75 inches (248 mm)
Width: 7.625 inches (194 mm)
Depth: .4 inches (10.2 mm)
Depth w/keyboard: .54 inches (13.7 mm)
Weight: 7 ounces (.2 kg)
Weight w/keyboard: 12.8 ounces (.37 kg)

In the box

MicroUSB cable for charging
Quickstart guide
Four rubber feet (optional)


ZAGGmate with keyboard uses a 510mAh rechargeable lithium polymer battery that will last several weeks of normal use without charging.

source: zagg

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