Saturday, December 11, 2010

dzdock11 Year Old iPad Stand

Dino Zaharakis just 11 years old boy have a wide range imagination who intended to develop a stand that could place/remove a device without disconnecting its cable. A universal aluminum stand with unique wire management designed to optimize video conferencing, watching video and even can dock it on the stand while playing music.

Dzdock can accommodate different type of gadgets such as; iPad, Kindle, nook, Tablets, iPhone and other smartphone. Available in the market costly is $29.99, where it comes in black, white, silver, red, pink, lime and shade blue. This is a great Christmas gift give to you love one who owns gadget compatible with this stand. With the promotional code of DZPRNEWS at, you can bring this puppy home for $10 less – and this offer is good until Christmas.

source: prnewswire

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