Monday, May 16, 2011

Nvidia Confidents Honeycomb Tablet Will Beat IPAD

Nvidia, the company behind the chip Tegra 2, make a pretty bold prediction. Honeycomb Android-based tablets are expected to exceed iPad in three years.

It was said Jen-Hsu Huang, CEO of Nvidia, the Reuters Technology Summit in New York. "Android phone only took two and a half years to reach its momentum. I'm sure the same thing will happen in tablet Honeycomb," said Huang was quoted as saying by Reuters on Tuesday (17/05/2011).

Huang said that growth tablets Android will be more rapidly with the increasing number of applications and games for these tablets.

Nvidia will certainly be happy when the tablet-based Honeycomb skyrocketed. We have quite a lot of tablets that use 2 of Nvidia's Tegra processor, call it Transformer Pad Asus Eee, Acer and Samsung A500 Iconia Galaxy Tab 10.1.

Furthermore, Nvidia is planning a more powerful processor again. For example, Kal-El-coded processor with quad-core capabilities, aka 'four brain'.

Huang said there are already some device makers are ready to use Kal-El. "There are at least 10. The five companies and five mobile PC manufacturers," he said.

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