Saturday, December 11, 2010

iPad TimeCommand Alarm Clock launched (System Innovation)

Another unique iOS accessory product was introduced by System Innovation, iPod docks called: TimeComand audio alarm clock music system for all new Apple products like; iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad. Gary Bart former CEO of System Innovation is a new company dedicated exclusively to iOS accessories.

TimeCommand, its first iOS-focused product, a circular alarm clock featuring a top-mounted dock, Stem:Sonic iQ digital signal processing for improved sound quality, and also an app with Internet Radio playback, a 10-band graphic equalizer, bass enhancer and  a battery-backup to ensure alarm operation even when the power has in any control mode like failed, Nap, Snooze, Sleep. It has the ability to control the light mood including the dimmer and a “wake by light” by light feature, which can automatically switch the lamp off when you go to sleep or on when an alarm sound. A unique curved fully dimmable LED display, a novel power supply that allows for the attachment and control and adjustable brightness of a bedside lamp, and compatibility with the company’s free Stem:Connect app.  Available now at the Apple store for $100.

via: ilounge

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