Thursday, July 14, 2011

Google Launches New Version of Android Market

Google has just released the  latest version of Android  Market.  The online store with  more than 100 thousand applications  is now easier for users to find what they want.

"You'll feel good knowing we have revolutionized the Android Market to make it faster, easier, and fun in finding applications, movies and books that are interesting," Google wrote in his blog post.

Quoted from TG Daily, Friday (07/15/2011), the change : Google is creating more space to display some of the most interesting content in a week on the home page.

"We added more items that top the chart with more new and relevant and we make users easier to swipe across this chart while browsing in the store application. Google has also introduced a new collection of compelling content such as staff picks and editors' choice apps," explains Google.

This update does Google after a lot of users who show discontent over the previous Android Market. Although a leader in online search, but Google let third-party applications store takes over and stepped over it.

For example, Amazon has its own application store for Android that is Amazon's AppStore. Giant online retailer Amazon is so aggressively introduce the AppStore and managed to convince a number of publishers releasing their applications mobile content exclusively through the application store.

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