Monday, May 02, 2011

Chipset AMD 900 Bulldozer Aims Computex 2011

Annual Event Expo Computex Taiwan 2011 will be held on 31 May to 4 June  next. Accordingly, AMD AM3 chipset was ready to release their latest  AMD 900 + Bulldozer.

Unfortunately, AMD did not mention details of certainty the date of its release. "There is no embargo date is uncertain, but information from AMD that will be launched at Computex," said Sweclockers trusted sources, as quoted from Softopedia, Tuesday (03/05/2011).

Bulldozer AMD 900 series consists of three mainboard namely: 990FX, 990X, and 970 which all support AM3 processors +, such as the Nvidia SLI technology.

The difference of the three chipsets are located on the availability of PCI Express on the 990FX, which can run two PCI Express x16 slots, or four x8 PCIe slots. While the 990X comes with a pair of PCIe x8 slot.

On the 990X chipset is also compatible with the setting of two-way SLI (2x16) and three-way (3x8). The three chipsets are going to be supported with the support of TRIM 6Gbps SATA, RAID 0/1/10/5, IOMMU I / O virtualization, such as USB 3.0 support.

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