Saturday, May 14, 2011

To Strengthen Tegra Chip, Nvidia Acquisition Icera

Currently Nvidia Tegra chip firmware upgrade  is not yet done Over The Air (OTA). In fact users System On a Chip (SoC)  is growing a lot. For that Nvidia was acquired Icera.

As quoted from Phone Arena, Thursday (5/12/2011), with the acquisition Tegra firmware can later be upgraded with a standard 2G networks, 3G, and 4G.

Icera is a networking company that has a portfolio good enough for HSPA + and LTE networks. Nvidia Tegra 2 as we know has a GPU, audio, and GPS in the chip.

But unfortunately SoC is forgetting one important feature, regarding the upgrade firmware OTA. Of course this will be very useful for Nvidia Tegra products further.

"Nvidia Tegra has had a fairly impressive road map in this industry, and now has been united with Icera. As part of Nvidia, we are ready to expand market share," said Icera CEO, Stan Boland.

Optimism boss Icera is a sign of readiness of these two companies to move forward, beyond the unification of Microsoft-Skype being a major focus in the realm of the IT industry.

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