Thursday, July 07, 2011

HTC Use VIA Technologies Graphics Cards

Formally, VIA said it has sold Graphics chip technology Processing Unit (GPU) S3 to HTC, this agreement takes the funds of USD 300 million.

S3 graphics card with the chip itself has initiated VIA long enough, the chip of this type could rule on multiple devices 2D graphics processing industries. After feeling pretty successful on that platform, the VIA try to enter the PC with the Radeon and GeForce series challenging, but unfortunately does not run smoothly.

Although not quite successful in the classroom desktop computers, but the S3 GPU technology was ogled by Apple. The proof, some time ago Apple is penalized because it proved to diversion of one of these chip technologies that have been patented, S3TC.

Quoted from hothardware, Friday (7/8/2011), HTC seems to be using the S3 chip technology to strengthen their phones. Moreover the chip is claimed to be mighty kind to handheld devices, and friendly with the application developers.

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