Saturday, May 14, 2011

Android@Home, the Housemaid Android

In 2008, Android comes as mobile phone. Subsequently in 2010, Android comes as a tablet. Soon, Android could be used as 'helper' to control the household.

In the event I / O Confrence, Google could divulge little about their project called Android @ Home. With this, users can use their Android phone or tablet as a remote for domestic purposes.

This means that in the future, homeowners can turn on air conditioners, water heaters, rice cookers, turn off the water, locked the house, and various household appliances they are armed with the Android mobile phone or tablets each.

"We opened the platform to anyone to do anything according to their imagination," said Google engineer Joe Brit, as quoted by Arstechnica, Thursday (05/12/2011).

Currently Google is conducting in collaboration with some stakeholders to refine the project. For Google, Android @ Home is a prime project that connects between the Internet and households, by connecting the objects in the house.

ARM Holdings giant classmates and Hewlett-Packard has been involved this project, by providing cheap micro controllers and its toolkit. Some companies also are developing wireless devices based sensor system, to make home appliances to be connected to the Internet.

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