Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The super-fast LG LU3000 now officially unveiled in South Korea

LG Star (LG-LU300) is officially launched in Korea in a week`s time. The first model LG star – LG – LU300 powered by iGHz TI OMAP3630 Processor and it runs with Android Froyo mobile OS. A 4-inch touchscreen, optimized for video capture and playback, as it can record and plat full 1080p resolution with its 5-MegaPixel camera and HDMI port to out video on an external monitor.

It is interesting that one of the images on the screen visible to the rest results Quadrant, which allows you to evaluate performance. LG star won the otherby a wide margin, gaining 1,759 point. In the version for the Korean design apparatus somewhat different: instead of four touch button below the display, only two, plus one hardware. In addition, on the back side there is no inscription Google. The rest of the model will is hardly something different.

source: engadget

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