Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Shazam Helps 100 Million Users Identify Tunes

After a six months after indefying  its 1 billionth song, most people are probably aware of Shazam`s unique service identifying through the use of its apps in a various platform, reaching 100 million user using the Shazam mobile music discovery. Many users influence the great impact to identifying the service by commercialize in Television and Advertising.
 But some would be surprised to find that the service debuted 10 years ago. In the time since it was launched, smartphones have delivered enthralling features that enabled Shazam to proliferate at a rapid rate over the course of the last few years.

Shazam has now available on a variety of mobile platforms apps for iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Symbian, and Windows Phone 7; it is being furthered by its implementation of analyzing content on television and advertisements. Now that this unique milestone has been reached, it's going to be interesting to see how Shazam continues to make positive trends in the coming years.

source: mashable

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