LG reportedly will soon introduce a new Android smartphone is the successor of the LG 3D Optimus CX2. LG CX2 will come with a faster processor, more slender body, and a better screen. LG is rumored to be presenting the latest 3D Android smartphone at the Mobile World Congress to be held in February 2012. Images plus some specs of LG's latest smartphone codenamed "CX2" leaked in cyberspace.
LG CX2 will be powered by TI OMAP dual core processor 1.2GHz and comes with a 4.3-inch touchscreen with 480 x 800 pixel resolution and support for 3D technology. LG CX2 also be equipped with dual 5-megapixel camera that has the ability to take pictures and record video in 3D.
Spesifikasi LG CX2
* Brand: LG
* Model: LG Optimus CX2
* Status: Rumored
* Processor: 1.2 GHz Dual Core Processor
* Operating System: Android 2.3 Gingerbread.
* Display: 4.3 inch WVGA Display
* Camera: 5 Megapixel Camera
* LG’s suite of 3D catered applications and games
* Mobile Payment
* Geo-Tagging
* Google Wallet
* 3G
* Bluetooth
* Micro USB 2.0
* Color: Black
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