Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Zink - Zero ink/Inkless Printers

This is one of those inventions that might very well turn a big chunk of the IT industry on its head, provided the printer idea actually takes off.
ZINK create printers that do not need any sort of ink when transferring virtual images to paper.
The idea is called “Zero Ink Printing Technology” (ZINK) and is being developed in conjunction with ZINK Paper.
Essentially, when using ZINK Paper, there is no need of ink cartridges or ribbons in order for full-color printing to be carried out.
ZINK® stands for Zero Ink® - an amazing new way to print in full color without the need for ink cartridges or ribbons. ZINK Technology encompasses both the ZINK Paper® and the intelligence embedded in every ZINK-enabled device. ZINK enables a new category of color printing devices and paper that work as a system to print in a whole new way.
Based on advances in chemistry, engineering, physics, image science, and manufacturing, the development of ZINK has generated an IP portfolio that includes over 180 patents and patents pending. At the heart of the technology is ZINK Paper which looks like regular white photo paper before printing. Heat from a ZINK-enabled device activates the color-forming chemistry within the ZINK Paper, forming all the colors of the rainbow. The printing process is now radically simple. Just add ZINK Paper™.

“Over the past six years, ZINK Imaging’s talented team has pioneered a unique technology, along with a very strong business model, and we are excited about expanding our already strong partnership with them in the future.”
This isn’t exactly the sort of high-tech marvel that can use any old piece of paper, but the potential is great regardless, especially if the paper can be mass produced at reasonable cost per page.
There are already some home photo printers and digital cameras with ZINK printers built into them.

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