Sunday, December 18, 2011

Elecom’s faucet iPad/iPhone stand design

This sexy Elecom stand designed by Nendo is pretty unusual and cool. It’s not very practical, but at least it looks stylish. It’s made from polycarbonate and ABS faucet parts and is designed to look like a faucet with water flowing out of it. Judging by its looks, this stand appears to focus more about design as opposed to being featured packed or being practical. In fact judging by the photos, propping your iPad or iPhone up against the stand does not guarantee that it will not topple over, but if form over function is your philosophy then this iPad/iPhone stand will definitely make a statement in your room’s decor. Made out of polycarbonate and ABS faucet parts, the stand was designed to look like an old fashioned faucet with the illusion of water flowing out of it and into a puddle. It will be available in clear, black, blue and white, with the clear and blue versions looking particularly convincing.

It will be available in clear, black, blue and white, but there is no word price or the availability. It is certainly unique.

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