Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Optimus Pro C660, Unique Android from LG

LG preparing to introduce mobile phone with a different taste form from  their previous row Android smartphone. South Korean manufacturer LG will present Optimus Pro C660.

Optimus Pro has a screen width of 2.8 inch touch-portrait and a full physical qwerty keyboard underneath. The shape is something like the Motorola Droid Pro or Samsung Replenish.

As quoted from UnwiredView, Tuesday (07/12/2011), Optimus Pro running Android 2.3 Gingerbread. Supporting features such as Wi Fi, GPS, 3 megapixel camera and 1500 mAh battery.

Currently, the phone is said to already be booked in Italy with a price around 179 Euros.

With the price, the Optimus Pro targeting the middle class market. In addition to Italy, not yet clear in which countries Optimus Pro will be marketed. However, predicted would soon be visited various parts of the world.

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