Sunday, June 19, 2011

IPad 2 Cover Made from Kangaroo Leather

iPad 2 is so upscale choices for tablet PC. Even the impression of trying to add a premium for Apple's device packaging. Ie, using ingredients derived from Australian kangaroo leather!

Arnold Aranez is the company behind the making of the cover iPad 2 kangaroo leather is touted super quality. The company has indeed been known as a maker of accessories gadgets at the level of the upper classes.

In a statement on its website on Monday (6/20/2011), the cover is made for special iPad 2 users who want to look professional and elegant.

The design is carried fairly simple but still trying to show the elegance and slimness gadgets. Cover is also equipped with easy access to the battery charging port, buttons, and camera.

"In the development of this cover, we've got a lot of input from users iPad 2 of the premium cover their dream. When we try to offer this cover, they immediately fell in love with design and material," Umbar Aranez parties.

So what's so special about his own kangaroo leather? Materials that are often referred to as K-Leather is said to be one of the strongest leather and durable in the world. But still light when used.

"In fact, the fiber structure of the kangaroo leather is the strongest of a series of other animal skins," said Aranez.

Cover iPad 2 kangaroo leather is planned will begin to be distributed in the United States market, Asia, and Europe in late June. Prices are priced is USD 199.95.

"As a business growth of smartphones and tablet PCs, people will increasingly look for ways to protect their personal devices gadgets. And what we do is provide top-class options to users," said Aranez.

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