Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Steve Ballmer asked to Resigns from Microsoft

One of Microsoft's investors called for Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, soon backed away from his position. Ballmer considered 'obsolete'.

The call was delivered by David Einhorn, hedge fund manager from Greenlight Capital. Currently Greenlight is one of Microsoft's stock investors.

As quoted by Reuters on Thursday (05/26/2011), shares of Microsoft for 10 years is considered stagnant. According to Einhorn's now time Ballmer stepped down and give opportunities to others.

"Its existence is a constant cloud over most of Microsoft shares," Einhorn said in a conference Ira Sohn Investment Research Conference in New York, United States.

Ballmer has been CEO since 2000 as the shifting role of Bill Gates. That said, according to Reuters, quite a lot of skeptical voices who criticize the leadership of Ballmer.

Greenlight currently holds 9 million shares of Microsoft or approximately 0.11 percent from their outstanding shares.

On Tuesday (24/05/2011) shares of Microsoft - for the first time since the last 15 years - exceeded by IBM. If an investor 10 years ago grow to USD 100 thousand shares in Microsoft, this time he will only have a stake worth USD 69 thousand.

How credible figure Einhorn? He is one of the first to criticize the problems at Lehman Brothers investment bank before it collapsed, which was followed by the global financial crisis.

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