Sunday, December 12, 2010

HTC EVO Shift 4G (Knight / Speedy) gets leaked picture, January 9th release date?

 I present the HTC A7373 EVO shift 4G, but we don’t know what the HTC A7373 is?  A Russian version of the horizontal slider and a quick Google search pops the Desire Z. Look like the HTC A7373 may be on its way to sprint in early January next year. And while one Russian e-tailer seems to think that codename refers to the GSM-friendly Desire Z, we have to imagine a Knight / Speedy / EVO Shift release is far more likely than a T-Mobile G2 redux on Sprint's CDMA --frequencies. 

The Sprint version of the HTC Desire Z/T-Mobile G2 would definitely be a good addition to all those who love slide-out keyboards, whenever the carrier might decide to launch it. A real life photograph showing off the slide-out keyboard in its full glory but with no front facing camera after all.

via: engadget
source: Sprint User, Android Central

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