Saturday, February 25, 2012

5 Reasons for You to Buy Android Tablets Over iPads

5 Reasons for You to Buy Android Tablets Over iPads

If you were considering buying an iPad, you might thank us for writing this article as you can get an android tablet PC for a price that is just half of what you would pay for an iPad.

You can do this by choosing one of the many Android tablet PCs that are available in the market today. Here are 5 great reasons for you to buy Android tablets instead of buying an iPad or a bulky laptop.

1. Portability - Most of the Android tablet PCs in the market today are about the size of an A4 sheet of paper which means that they can fit very easily in your hands and also in the backpack. They are also very light and will usually weight just a little bit more than a notebook.

2. Affordability - Android tablets are much cheaper than the iPads or a laptop. An iPad or Galaxy tab will set you back about $300 to $400 and a laptop will cost you a lot more. However, there are plenty of Android tablets that you can buy in the $80 - $200 range that will offer similar performance as the iPad or Galaxy tablet. In fact, some Android tablets are actually faster than the very popular iPad or the Galaxy tablet.

3. Customizable - The best part about Android tablets is that the powerful operating system will allow you to customize your themes, applications and appearance according to your likes and dislikes.

4. Great for watching videos - In this day and age where video blogging and movies are great entertainment, users will just love the Android powered tablet PCs that will playback high quality video on a large screen that will usually vary from about 7-10 inches.

5. Free applications - The best part about Android based technology is that you will have unlimited free access to thousands of applications that are constantly being updated by the open source community. Android is an open source operating system which will mean that anybody can contribute to the community by creating their own application. You will be able to find great games, fun applications as well as other useful applications related to finance or whatever field you might be interested in professionally.

Where can you buy Android tablets?

Most people will just queue up in line to buy an iPad when they want a tablet PC. But, after reading this article, you now know that there are many more options out there. You should definitely consider buying Android based tablets that will be available for a lot cheaper. An even bigger way to save on Android based tablets would be to buy them directly from China or other manufacturing countries through a factory based order. There are a few companies out there that will offer this service and you can stand to save a lot of money. Companies that ship directly from the factory will be able to offer ridiculously low prices as they do not have to deal with any expensive middlemen selling costs.

Related Post To Reading:

5 Reasons for You to Buy Android Tablets Over iPads


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