Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nexian Snap G857

Snap Nexian G857 is a phone using the touch screen measuring 2.8 inches with QVGA resolution (320 x 240 pixels). So this phone is looks very attractive. Users will also be pampered with other attractive features such as Mp3 player, FM radio, 2 megapixel camera, Video Player, Bluetooth, and others. The phone also has a fairly cheap price. This touch screen phone will also be equipped with a microSD storage function for data
Spesifikasi Nexian Snap G857 :
* Dual GSM 900/1800MHz
Layar :
* TFT LCD 2.8 inci Touch
Fitur Lain :
* Kamera
* Bluetooth
* FM Radio
* Video Player
* Audio Player
Aplikasi :
* Facebook* Twitter
* Yahoo!Messenger
* Yahoo!Mobile
* Skype
* WAP Browser
* Google Search
Koneksi :
Memori :
* External MicroSD
Baterai :
* Standart Lithium Ion
Harga Baru Nexian Snap G857 Rp. 470000 - 620000

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