Sunday, December 18, 2011

Perfect Christmas Holiday Gift: High Def Video Camera Spy Pen

The small embedded lens can take up to five hours of AVI video footage plus 20,000 jpg images thanks to a hefty 8 GB of storage space. The micro-lens of the camera is the small dot above the pocket clip, subtle and oh so very secret. Spies, professional intriguers, and blackmailers should take note. It has a built-in 1.3MP image sensor that captures up to five hours of AVI video at 1280x720 resolution

This rechargeable spy pen packs enough juice for two hours. To access its content, a USB 2.0 adapter allows you to plug onto a Mac or PC. The camera functions, whether to record or take pictures, are activated by the tiny button on its bottom.
Of course, since this is also a pen, it writes too. Just be mindful enough not to leave this somewhere. It sucks trying hard to be a super sleuth when you end up compromising your hard-earned incriminating info.

It isn’t cheap though. The Video Camera Spy Pen is currently selling for $149.95.


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