Friday, December 23, 2011

Blackberry Bold 9780

Blackberry Bold 9780 is available in two colors namely black and white. BlackBerry Bold 9780 is the first Blackberry to launch a non touch here in the UK with BlackBerry 6. Blackberry Bold 9780 is equipped with a 5 megapixel camera is greater than the 3.2 megapixels are owned 9700. Besides the size of the memory 9780 is two-fold greater than the 512MB 9700 is only 256MB.
BlackBerry Bold 9780 specification:
Spesifikasi Blacberrry Bold 9780
* 5-megapixel auto focus camera
* Bluetooth® v2.1 with A2DP
* HSDPA/3G+/GPRS/Edge support
* Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g
* QWERTY keypad
* external memory up to 16GB microSD
* A-GPS support
* UMA technology
* MP3 ringtones
* MP3 player
* 3.5 mm audio jack
* internal memory 256MB
* BlackBerry® email
* MP3 and AAC player
* video
* quad band
* Bluetooth®
* music player
* camera
Harga Baru Blackberry Bold 9780 : Rp.3,650,000,-
Harga Secind Blackberry Bold 9780 : Rp.2,800,000,-

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