Tuesday, November 15, 2011

BlackBerry Pearl 8130

The RIM BlackBerry Pearl 8130 keeps the same sleek design of its predecessor but adds built-in GPS, EV-DO support, and video-recording capabilities. The smartphone's Web browser is also improved, and it has a 2-megapixel camera. The device's messaging functions remain strong.

The bad: The SureType keyboard takes some acclimation, and call quality could be slightly better.

The bottom line: The RIM BlackBerry Pearl 8130 improves on an already-impressive smartphone with the addition of GPS, video recording, and 3G support.

Everyone say it with me now: "It's about flippin' time." The CDMA version of the RIM BlackBerry Pearl is finally out, and though it's been a long wait (the original, GSM version debuted more than a year ago), we have to say it was worth the extra time.

You see, the RIM BlackBerry Pearl 8130 keeps the same compact and sexy design of its predecessor yet manages to pack in even more features. There's built-in GPS, added video-recording capabilities, and an improved Web browser. In addition, you get EV-DO support and a 2-megapixel camera.

Read more: http://reviews.cnet.com/smartphones/blackberry-pearl-8130-silver/4505-6452_7-32637356.html#ixzz1dqB55fYH

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