Wednesday, November 16, 2011

BlackBerry Curve™ 9360,

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Features at a glance

* 11mm thin
* Classic QWERTY keyboard
* 5 MP camera with flash
* Wi–Fi
* BlackBerry 7
* BBM™
* Facebook 2.0


Socialise with style
Staying in touch with friends and family has never looked this good. The BlackBerry Curve 9360 looks great and performs even better.

Stay connected and share every aspect of your life in real-time – wherever you are. It’s the stylish BlackBerry smartphone for fun-loving people.

Stylish and easy to use

Sleek and lightweight, the new BlackBerry Curve 9360 is a must-have for socially active lives. You’ll never lose touch with friends and family, thanks to secure messaging and the ease and accuracy of our classic QWERTY keyboard.

Oh so social

Get real-time social alerts – even when you're not logged into an app. Keep loved ones close with BBM™ and your friends updated with Facebook chat. Use one-click social messaging to share pics, lists and party dates. And merge all your events into one single calendar – so you're always in the know.

Cleverly connected 


Tap into the world around you with Near Field Communication (NFC). Use your smartphone with another NFC-enabled device to do anything from printing a document to buying lunch in a rush. Got some downtime? Then browse the BlackBerry Music Store and buy some tunes.

Next generation software 


BlackBerry® 7 technology gives you, powerful graphics, smoother scrolling and improved browsing – you can find all your favourite things online quicker and better than ever before.
Prepare to be stunned
Videos, games, websites – whatever you liked looking at before, you’ll now love looking at with Liquid Graphics™ technology. It’s smooth and highly responsive – and will totally transform the way you view and enjoy content.
Just say the word
Whether you need to find a friend's number or listen to a favourite tune without delay – just say the word and the new BlackBerry 7 voice-activated search will do the rest.
Feed on your favourites
Forget manual searches. Now you can create a list of all your favourite social feeds, podcasts and blogs and enjoy real-time updates. You can even search your feeds using the universal search tool.

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