Friday, October 21, 2011

4 iPhone Tricks for the Hearing and Vision Impaired

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Friday, October 21, 2011
21+ Essential Resources for Your Apple iPhone 4S
Make an iPhone Case With Your Instagram Photos
25 Twitter Reactions to Gaddafi's Capture and Death [PICS]

Siri Gets Its First TV Ad [VIDEO]
8:26:12 AM
Siri, the sweet talking assistant of iPhone 4S owners, is now starring in its first TV ad. It's one of the most important features of the new iPhone, so it's no wonder Apple has devoted an entire 30-second TV ad to Siri. SEE ALSO: Siri Politely...

4 iPhone Tricks for the Hearing and Vision Impaired
8:26:08 AM
Apple's accessibility options for iOS devices make using the iPhone and iPad easier for people with hearing and vision disabilities, and impaired physical and motor skills. With the launch of iOS 5, we've taken a fresh look at the accessibility...

21+ Essential Resources for Your Apple iPhone 4S
Thursday, October 20, 2011 11:00 PM
Millions of Apple enthusiasts are tapping away at the screens of their new iPhone 4S devices. If you're one of the 4 million, you've likely explored the phone's new features: upgraded camera, higher storage capacity, 1080p video and Siri, your...

Microsoft Meets Estimates, But Stock Falls
Thursday, October 20, 2011 4:30 PM
Microsoft reported fiscal first-quarter revenues of $17.37 billion, a 7% jump over the year-ago period and a figure that met analysts forecasts. However, Microsoft's stock fell slightly in after-hours trading, indicating that analysts may have...

Did Samsung Ship 20 Million Smartphones This Quarter?
Thursday, October 20, 2011 2:13 PM
Is Samsung now the leading smartphone manufacturer? One unnamed source sure wants us to think so. The Wall Street Journal is reporting Samsung shipped more than 20 million smartphones in its most recent quarter. If this report is accurate -- bear...

Is the Apple iPhone 4S Camera the Digital Camera to Rule Them All? [PICS]
Thursday, October 20, 2011 11:31 AM
When I sat down with Apple to discuss the new, more powerful camera on the iPhone 4S, company officials told me they had a revelation. As they prepared to update the phone's imaging system, they realized not only were more people using the...

Apple iPhone 4S Vs. the iPhone 4: Should You Upgrade?
Thursday, October 20, 2011 11:18 AM
Apple's iPhone 4S is a solid follow-up to the popular iPhone 4. As an owner of the 4, I would not race to upgrade. The 4S is a refinement of a very good idea, and I don't think you jump to buy a refinement unless you are 1) desperate for the...

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