Sunday, September 11, 2011

iPhone 5 Specs and Release Date

iPhone 5 Specs and Release Date. The new generation of Apple's smartphone is the middle of entering a period of trial production. Devices that will clad the metal chassis is said to have been equipped with antenna technology will be marketed better and start the third quarter of 2011.

iPhone 5 will be equipped Near Field Communication Chip(NFC). With this technology, users can perform transactions iPhone 5 directly with the device closer to the wireless communications device based pay.

Earlier, The New York Times quoted two different sources stating that Apple has plans to add the NFC chip to the smartphone product. However, there is no confirmation whether it will be starting the iPhone 5.

iPhone 5

iPhone 5 is probably already using Apple's dual-core processor A5. The processor that was first used on the iPad 2 it offers speed the process of computing than Apple's nine-fold A4 in use today.

iPhone 5 Release Date
Now the latest report said the iPhone 5 Release schedule stretch into October. Other sources, such as the various technology blog All Things Digital, also inform the same thing.
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