Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Google + Gets New Additional Features

Competition between Google + and Facebook to the new round. If previously the site can only be used by the user who in-invite, so now Google + open to all people so that the potential of increasing the number of users more open.

And not enough just to 'open up', Google + team has also added nine new feature on its website within the site in hopes could become a magnet for Internet users. These additional features embedded in the 'Hangout' and 'Search' it, it flashes the following:

Google is now presenting 'Hangout' in mobile phone so users can communicate via live video on their devices. Hangout for this phone runs on Android 2.3 + that has a front camera.

The site also added a feature 'Hangout on Air' which allows users to start hangoutnya Google + and have the option to broadcast and recording sessions. Now when he had started 'on water', 9 of her friends could join in 'hangout' and witnessed the immediate broadcast.

Still in service 'Hangout', Google is adding extra features like screensharing so users can show off your photos, design, or anything on the screen. Sketchpad other additions that allow the user to draw and doodle on the screen make it.

Google in the features 'Hangout' is also inviting developers to build applications with the release of the API Hangout.

Google + will be integrated with Google Search that allows users to search content from various sources just by typing in search words in the box 'search' Google +.

In the official Google site, Google said that during the 90 days they have added 91 improvements, this is of course done to attract more users on its website.

Some time ago, to further enliven Google +, the Internet giant is also bringing a variety of online games. Those games are supplied by the game companies like Rovio Mobile Ltd., Kabam Inc., Wooga GmbH, Funzio, Inc., and Zynga, Inc.

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