Thursday, July 21, 2011

Robot Band Singing Marilyn Manson Song

Increasingly, the ability of the robot more similar to humans. Even some of the tasks that are very 'human', with the sophistication of the technology could also be done by robots. Like this one, the robot appears as the band performed the song.

James Cochrane is from Toronto, Canada that assemble robot band called End of Life (EOL) this. With its deliberations, the Cochrane succeeded in presenting 'the power of music' produced by the robot.

You are fond of Marilyn Manson, definitely interested in seeing the appearance of EOL. The reason, one of the songs played by excellent by EOL is The Beautiful People's eccentric singer is, wow!

Quoted from Gadget Gizmos, Thursday (21/07/2011), this is not the first time Cochrane assembling robots that plays the music. Last year, he released a YouTube video featuring the band's other robots.

On the page the video, Cochrane said that a set of instruments used is controlled by a solenoid or metal material that can be pulled and stretched.

Almost the same as the previous robot band, all instruments played by EOL was controlled by a solenoid. But the instrument he uses this time a little more, namely an electric guitar, bass, drums and cello. All of this instrument is mechanically incorporated and programmed to play songs.

Watch the Video of Robot Band End Of Life (EOL)

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