Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Future Cell Mobile Phone Technology

Mobile phones have undergone a huge revolution. Starting from a mere instrument of communication, entertainment, until now a computing device. Then what kind of cell phone technology is being developed Qualcomm?

Qualcomm itself is not new players in the communications industry. After considerable success with CDMA technology they developed, vendors from the United States began to expand into the chipset for the smart phone industry.

The sophistication of today's smart phones, such as online with 3G network capabilities, listen to the audio quality ciamik, to play games via mobile phones rock is part of their innovation. Well, it seems that Qualcomm has begun to develop new technologies for various types of mobile phones in the future.

"In the future mobile phones not only smarter, but also more personal. They can identify what it wants its users, including what they hate," explains Pete Lancia, Senior Director Marketting at the headquarters of Qualcomm, San Diego, United States, in the event Qualcomm Editors Day.

According to Lancia, phones today are no longer just a phone or texting device, but rather as a computational tool like a computer in your pocket ready to pamper its users.

"The function of mobile phones has changed, and now we are developing technology that makes cell phones can talk, hear, taste, smell and feel," added Lancia.

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