Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Foxconn will Open the Own Apple Store

Foxconn - Factory assembly of the iPhone, iPod and iPad - plans to open its own shop in China. This store will be selling Apple products  they made.

Citing a report from Economic Daily News, Bloomberg reported that their stores will be opened by Cybermart International, a business unit of the parent company of Foxconn, Ho Hai Precision Industry. This report has also been confirmed by the Director of the International Cybermart Steve Chang.

Cybermart which currently runs 34 retail outlets in China claimed to have obtained permission to become an official reseller of Apple products since January this year. This partnership is perceived to be very beneficial to both.

Reported by Bloomberg, on Wednesday (07/13/2011), Apple products skyrocketed in popularity in China since Apple opened a store in Beijing in 2008. Cybermart who plans to open eight new stores this year, touted the potential to open more than 500 stores selling Apple products in China until next year.

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