Saturday, June 04, 2011

France bans Facebook Twitter in TV Broadcasting

Paris - A new regulation on Facebook and Twitter is applied in France. Authorities countries located in continental Europe is banning the word up and Twitter mentioned in radio or television.

French broadcasting regulator announced new rules that more or less as follows: television and radio show host had to restrain myself to say Facebook or Twitter unless there is a direct relation with the information submitted.

For example, television presenter is prohibited to say something like, "Follow us on Twitter for further updates from this news. " Yes, there should be no references associated with Twitter and Facebook.

Then, what is the reason this unique rules enforced? According to the French broadcasting regulator, CSA, the mention of Facebook or Twitter is considered as a form of promotion of commercial enterprises.

Christine Kelly CSA spokesman said that it is not fair. For many other social networking companies gasping emulate the popularity of Facebook and Twitter.

"Why do references to Facebook, which is worth billions of dollars, when many other social networks struggling to get recognition," he said as quoted from The Next Web, on Saturday (04/06/2011).

"This could be a distortion of competition. If we allow Facebook and Twitter mentioned, another social networking site would protest, they will ask why not us?," he added.

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