Tuesday, June 14, 2011

45% of UK Smartphone Users Using Android

The presence of  the green robot Android increasingly  rampant. After skyrocketing in the Southeast Asian market, Google's platform is currently  dominate the  smart  phone market share in the UK  with a  rate of 45 percent.

The data issued by Kantar Worldpanel (15/06/2011). Compared to last year, Android now exactly a market share of 44.9 percent, from last year's 35.1 percent.

Currently, many users among the productive age using a variety of Android phone in the UK. Different countries also vary his taste, the popularity of Android in the UK was not followed his career in America.

In Uncle Sam's country, Android still survive in a number of around 54.7 percent. In recent months showed no significant movement figures. Google seems to be alert to the movement of the iPhone, which now reaches 30.8 percent market share.

The cause is now Apple has membundling Verizon CDMA iPhone that its impact was felt cut off sales of Android phones. Recent data from the NPD even says Android still great, but need not be too wary.

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