Tuesday, May 03, 2011

BlackBerry Attract Microsoft Bing

Research in Motion (RIM) and Microsoft announced a cooperative agreement. Bing online search service from Microsoft will be a search engine and default mapping service on the BlackBerry device.

"We will invest in the BlackBerry platform uniquely as an extra in addition to our Phone Windows platform," said Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, quoted by PCMag, Wednesday (05/04/2011).

Bing on the BlackBerry was originally installed as the default search and mapping applications. But later on, and integration services will be made more profound Bing again on the BlackBerry operating system.

"It would be more than just a search box. Bing will be deeply integrated in the operating system, beyond the experience of applications available today," Ballmer added in the event the BlackBerry World.

BlackBerry model is not yet clear which ones get Bing's service. But on the demo, use the BlackBerry Torch so that the possibility of new services Bing was not only intended for OS 7 only, the latest OS from RIM, but also to the previous OS.

Both Microsoft and RIM are feeling the fierce competition in the smartphone market against Apple and Google lunge kick. This cooperation is expected to strengthen their position.

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